no 6 Duckworld

série: Howard the Duck
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Série Noire
classement: carton131
date: 1980
format: broché
état: TBE/N
valeur: 6 €
critère: *
remarques: Howard the Duck No. 6, serie 2958, July 1980
probably the best issue of the whole serie

1/ Duckworld
by Bill Mantlo and Michael Golden
conclusion of the chapter (see below for more information):
a formidable satirical pamphlet on the American society
and the ascertainment that Duckworld
is no different and no better than Cleveland

2/ Street Peeple
by Lynn Graeme and Ned Sonntag
n.b. nothing to do with Howard the Duck

Howard Duck is sent to New Stork, the new duckworld
with the president Duxon, the (boss) reverend Gander
and his gunducks, the mayor of New Stork and all the other wackies,
all worshipping first the great Drake, being Howard the Duck
with his mate, the hairless apewoman Beverly
>> p. 10 the comix shop
>> p. 21 Truman Capoultry publishing "ducking out",
a book about Howard's life story
>> p. 40 and the "Playduck magazine"
>> p. 41 the Howard Duck family
>> and p. 48 of course the appearance of Uncle Scrounge MacDrake
n.b. scrounger = profiteur
however Howard's celebrity through the media soon fades out
and Howard's adventures end with a big duck-hunt
organized by the gang of reverend Gander
nevertheless Howard the Duck will manage to escape them
and re-land on the swamps of his homeland
watched by a mysterious creature,
next issue: the Man-Thing
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