A-1 dossier 444c video games

série: SNES
éditeur: archives Ego
genre: Jeu video
classement: biblio624
format: articles divers
état: TBE
valeur: 5 €
critère: **
remarques: dossier 444C les JEUX VIDEO - 3C -
liste de jeux SNES (+ 1 Playstation)

F) Final Fantasy V Snes 1992 ***

G) Final Fantasy VII Playstation 1997 ****

IJ) secret of stars, Terranigma


O) Actraiser, Equinox, Gods,
Jurassic Park, Knights of Justice
Lord of the rings

PQ) the Magical Quest, Populous, Prince of Persia
Sim City, Spike Mc Fang,
Super Mario RPG, legend of the seven stars
Young Merlin

R) Dragon Warrior, Dragon Quest VI (Japanese)

- Final Fantasy VII strategy guide (1997)
- Earthbound player’s guide (1995)

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