Zelda parallel worlds

série: SNES
éditeur: Super Nintendo
genre: Game RPG/Action
classement: Box TV3
format: cartridge only
état: TBE
valeur: 30 €
critère: **
remarques: the legend of Zelda Parallel Worlds (SNES) is a very
difficult hack of the legend of Zelda a Link to the Past,
it was made by Euclid & SePH, the game boasts
a brand new overworld, completely revamped dungeons
and enticingly difficult puzzles, espc. the battles
at the beginning are very very hard but also
through the complete game, although the passages
are not impossibly difficult, contrary to goddess of wisdom
where some passages are extremely hard

there are three versions of the game: 1.0,
1.1 (or 1.23) and 2.0; one should use at least
only version 1.1 because 1.0 is full of blogs
and you have to manipulate the game to
continue the walkthrough without problem

first save no 1 and then save no 2, then
continue with no 2, copy no 2 on no 1,
but walk abit with no 1, otherwise it will
not be saved, the best is then to continue
with no 2 and when this number is deleted
for one reason or the other (version 1.0),
you may restart again with no 1 and copy it
on no 2 then continue with no 2 and so on
it's abit akward, isn't it?

the best to start with is to use
Game Genie AE6E DF2A infinite energy

there are two blogs in this game
first: if you get the blue boomerang
in the guardhouse section, you will
not be able to get the red one later
second: there is a trick with the first
and second mushroom, it is abit complicate,
but if you do not get the second mushroom,
the final fight will be much harder
(see info in respect of the mushroom)

1/ beginning of the game
- get the heart in the church
- then go to the guardhouse through a difficult
passage with pits and fire balls, then
you arrive at the entry of the guardhouse
- the guardhouse is abit complicate and hard,
you have first to go and return often, until
you find the sword and the shield, then
again go and return to find the girl and
find the exit (do not take the blue shield)

note 1: contrary to Link to the Past, there are
in this game no dungeons' maps
note 2: you must have six small keys to enter
the Parallel Tower (3 in the First world,
3 in the Icy world >> do not miss them
note 3: you need in each stage
the big chest and the big door keys
and one tablet

2/ now you are in the First (Light)world
- get the flippers at Zora's scale
- meet Sharashala, you have to find three
but first get the cane of Byrna in the lost forest
(secret meadow), you get also a second bottle
and a small key for the Parallel Tower, then go to
a) Nayru's bay b) Din's Cavern and
c) Farore's isles
bring them to Sharashala, now you can
enter the Icy world

3/ Dark (Icy) world
- get in Kararuki village the arc
and the chicken of legend,
there are seven stages to get 7 jewels:
a) Impay's ways b) Darunia's Cavern
c) Saria's gardens d) Ruto's Fortress
e) Rauru's Ruins f) Nabooru’s Hole
g) Sheik's hideout

4/ the Parallel Tower
- with the 6 small keys, the 7 tablets and
the seven jewels, you can now enter
the Parallel Tower
- you have at least to climb twice
the Parallel Tower
- at the end you should have again 20 hearts

then you can fight the king Draegor
(abit similar to Gannon in Link to the Past)

>> quite interesting but the game needs a lot
of time and work, even with Game Genie

If you want Bombos, which again has an added bonus,
don't get the Magic Powder after you lose it the first time,
one can also miss Bombos by not “using” the
Magic Powder,
and thus emptying the slot, before opening the chest
containing the second mushroom in the
"optional hard puzzle" in the Parallel Tower
(only accessible in the first World) or the other,
if you obtained the one in the Tower first,
the game itself warns you not to open the chest
without that slot empty, if you open the chest
without the slot empty, you will get rupees
and lose the Mushroom and Bombos forever

However, if you have simply not “used”
the Magic Powder yet, you may do so
and return to get the Mushroom
(but the whole thing is difficult to understand!)

Copyright 2008 - 2024 G. Rudolf