no45 the gem in the tower

série: Conan, savage sword
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Heroic-Fantasy
classement: carton132
date: 1979
format: broché
état: TBE/N
valeur: 8 €
critère: **
remarques: Savage Sword no 45, serie 2929, October 1979
cover Nestor Redondo

1/ Conan, the gem in the tower
by Roy Thomas and John Buscema+Tony Dezuniga
part 2) death from above
>> p. 20 the gardian of the Spitah tower

2/ a study of slavery in the Hyborian Age
by Jim Neal

3/ >> p. 41/42 a Conan quiz

4/ Red Sonja, master of shadows
by Christy Marx and John Buscema+Tony Dezuniga
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