no 4 lighthouse of the possessed

série: Vampire Tales
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Horreur
classement: carton131
date: 1974
format: broché
état: TBE/N
valeur: 10 €
critère: *
remarques: Vampire Tales no 4, serie 2190, April 1974
cover Boris Vallejo

1/ Morbius, the living vampire
the lighthouse of the possessed
by Don McGregor and Tom Sutton

2/ a study of vampire, the Kith and Kin
chapter IV: everything you want to know about vampires
by Chris Claremont

3/ somewhere waits the vampire
by Paul Reinman

4/ a vampire's home is his castle
by Doug Moench and Lombardia

5/ the vampire's coffin

6/ the drifting snow, a tale of snow-bound horror
by Tony Isabella and Esteban Maroto
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