Barbarian Comics no 3

série: Underground (US)
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: California comics
genre: Horreur
classement: carton131
date: 1974
format: broché
état: TBE
valeur: 5 €
critère: *
remarques: Barbarian Comics No. 3 1974
this issue collected here as a representative sample of the serie

1/ in the rags of Almanos
a prehistoric story by J. Williams

2/ Crum by W. Meugniot

3/ a killer called "buddy"

4/ friend in need

>> nothing spectacular except perhaps the first story
but rather difficult to get

- cover no 3
- cover no 1
- cover no 2

California Comics was published by Bob Sidebottom,
who owned a legendary, groundbreaking comic book shop in San Jose, California
and founded the publishing company California Comics,
California Comics had previously produced
the (mostly mediocre) Barbarian Comics series
and would publish the first two issues
of the (mostly pretty good) Barbarian Women series
concurrently with the California Comics series

California Comics was a different type of series in more ways than one,
but its foremost notoriety has to be its cover art by Ed Watson,
all three issues have terrific covers, which presented quite a dilemma
there is no informal rule for not giving any comic book series
more than two of the top twenty Underground Covers awards,
and California Comics snatched two up in its first two issues,
Yet the cover for the third issue is certainly
deserving of some type of award for its bold presentation of patriotic graphics (?)

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