nos215 when wakes the golden serpent

série: Conan, savage sword
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Heroic-Fantasy
classement: carton133
date: 1993
format: broché
état: TBE/N
valeur: 4 €
critère: *
remarques: Savage Sword no 215, November 1993
cover Tim Conrad

1/ Conan, when wakes the golden serpent
by Roy Thomas and Rafael Kayanan

2/ Kull the conqueror, the savage brotherhood
by John Arcudi and Donald Hudson

3/ Kull the conqueror, caresses of mine enemy
by Roy Thomas and Dale Eaglesham

4/ editorial announcing the cancellation of Conan the barbarian
with no 275
the story line continues in the Savage pages
of this very magazine starting with issue no 217 January 1994

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