volume 2 1937-1938

série: Fantôme (le)
dessinateur / scénariste: Moore+Falk
éditeur: Futuropolis EO 1986
genre: Aventure
classement: biblio1
date: 1986
format: cartonné, avec jaquette
état: TBE
valeur: 30 €
critère: **
remarques: dans la collection Copyright Futuropolis, volume 2 1937-1938

1/ les chercheurs de diamant du 12.4.1937 au 18.9.1937

- guerre entre les tribus Llongo et des Osi Wey pour des diamants
que des blancs ont trouvés sur la terre des Llongo,
le Fantôme, le justicier de la jungle, doit ramener la paix

à noter:
a) l'apparition du Fantôme sur un crâne géant
pour maintenir sa réputation de seigneur de la jungle
b) le Fantôme qui se déshabille pour prendre un bain
c) le Fantôme sauve Diana des mains d'un aventurier
et accepte par la suite de retirer son masque pour montrer son amour à Diana
mais malgré tout Diana va quitter à nouveau le fantôme
car elle ne peut vivre que dans une ville!

2/ le petit Thomas du 20.9.1937 au 5.2.1938

le fantôme découvre dans une tribu africaine un enfant blanc
appelé Toma et âgé de huit ans qui aurait été enlevé alors bébé
et confié à un membre de la tribu

le Fantôme décide de s'occuper du petit garçon,
de faire son éducation et de retrouver les ravisseurs
mais durant sa quête, il aura affaire à forte partie

à noter
- case 17/12 le Fantôme qui menace avec son revolver
une standardiste des téléphones pour connaîre le numéro d'un abonné
n.b. c'est pas très légal pour un justicier!
- case 25/12 un joyeux Noêl pour Thomas

>> deux épisodes assez intéressant, le meilleur étant le premier,
le second est moins bien dessiné et l'histoire moins passionnante

- couverture 1er et 4ème plat du volume
- 3 vignettes qui ont marqué les bandes quotidiennes
- la création d'un périodique pour Lady Phantom

A) Raymond S. Moore (1905-1984) better known as Ray Moore, was the co-creator,
together with Lee Falk, and first artist on what would grow
to become the world's most popular adventure comic strip, the Phantom
which started in 1936, Moore had previously worked as Phil Davis' assistant
on the Lee Falk-created Mandrake the Magician comic strip
which was why he was thought to be a suitable choice to draw Falk's new creation

little is known about Ray's personal life and he lived most of his life in Missouri
until his death in 1984, together with his wife, Claire Moore,
Moore started drawing the Phantom in 1936, after creator Falk realised
he would not have the time to do the artwork in the strip himself,
Moore had previously worked as an assistant on Falk's other strip, Mandrake the Magician,
Moore's initial artwork on the Phantom was influenced by the work of Alex Raymond

Ray was involved in an accident during his career as a pilot in World War II
which made him unable to keep on drawing the Phantom,
therefore leaving work on the strip to his assistant Wilson McCoy,
Ray Moore had a moody and mysterious drawing style,
with a style of shadowing which suited the mysterious Phantom character,
however, he slightly changed his style later on,
focusing less on the dark atmosphere he had become known for,
in advantage of a more realistic style, with more details
and a less moody style of drawing.

Lee Falk always claimed that Moore was the best artist on the Phantom,
because of his talent for drawing beautiful looking girls,
it was this talent that led Falk to creating many crime corporations
only consisting of women, like the infamous Sky Band (la bande du ciel)

Moore is known by fans to be as mysterious as the Phantom character he co-created,
prior to 2011, only two photos of him were known to exist, both sideways,
his face was therefore quite unknown to the world
and if he on a rare occasion did an interview, he seldom mentioned his private life,
in July 2011, in appreciation for Phantom Fans worldwide
and in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Phantom Comic Strip,
his great niece Gina Moore Reiners made public a series
of Moore Family photographs ranging from Ray Moore's childhood to adulthood

Ray Moore died in 1984 of natural causes,
13 acres (53,000 m2) of woodland which Claire and Ray owned in Des Peres, Missouri
was donated to the Missouri Department of Conservation
and named "Phantom Forest" after his comic strip hero

Moore would sometimes use his wife Claire as a model
when drawing the Phantom's girlfriend, Diana Palmer,
the idea of the Phantom's pet wolf Devil is believed
to have come from Ray Moore's lifelong pleasure of drawing wolves and his love of dogs

B) Leon Harrison Gross, dit Lee Falk (avril 1911, mort mars 1999)
est un auteur de bande dessinée américain qui fut également écrivain,
metteur en scène et producteur de théâtre,
il est surtout connu pour avoir créé les
strips d'aventure Mandrake le magicien en 1934 et Le Fantôme en 1936

at the height of their popularity, these strips attracted over 100 million readers every day,
Falk also wrote short stories, and he contributed
to a series of pulp novels about The Phantom,
Falk had had a fascination for stage magicians ever since he was a boy,
Falk, according to his own recollections, sketched the first few
Mandrake the Magician comic strips himself,
when asked why the magician looked so much like himself, he replied
"Well, of course he did, I was alone in a room with a mirror when I drew him!"
The Phantom was inspired by Falk’s fascination for myths and legends,
such as the ones about El Cid, King Arthur, Nordic and Greek folklore heroes
and popular fictional characters like "Tarzan" and "Mowgli" from Rudyard Kipling,
he was fascinated by the thugs of India, and hence based
his first Phantom comic on the "Singh Brotherhood",
Falk originally considered the idea of calling his character "The Gray Ghost",
but finally decided that he preferred "The Phantom",
Falk revealed in an interview that Robin Hood,
who was often depicted as wearing tights,
inspired the skin-tight costume of "The Phantom",
which is known to have influenced the entire superhero-industry,
in the A&E Network's Phantom biography program,
Falk explained that Ancient Greek stone busts
inspired the notion of pupils of the eyes of "The Phantom"
not showing whenever he wore his mask,
the old Greek busts had no eye pupils,
which Falk felt gave them an inhuman, interesting look,
it is also probable that the look of "The Phantom" inspired the look
of what has today become known as the "superhero"
Falk originally thought that his comic strips would last a few weeks at best,
however, he wrote them for more than six decades, until the last days of his life

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